Also known as telangiectasia, spider veins are an extremely common condition found in approximately half of all adult women in the US. For some, spider veins can be a painful experience while others are only affected by the changes is appearance. Southern Vein & Laser Institute offers a variety of the most advanced and safe procedures for treating spider veins:
- Sclerotherapy
- Foam Sclerotherapy
- Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy
These procedures are all extremely safe and effective means of eradicating spider veins. Sclerotherapy, in all forms, is administered by highly trained physicians to ensure the highest quality of care. Patients have found that recovery time with these procedures is conveniently short, and the solutions are permanent. Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy, the most cutting edge form of sclerotherapy, does not require surgery or lasers, is the fastest and most effective form of treating spider veins.